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We Are PostRev

Zero Party Data Reimagined

Insights customers WANT to give you!

Why use postrev

Get to know your customers better than ever before.

A new and innovative approach to collecting user data

Our aim is to empower merchants to make better informed decisions about their products, marketing strategies, and overall customer experience.

Data Analysis

We organize and present this zero party data in an easy to consume way so YOU can make better and more informed business decisions

Customer Segmentation

By integrating with your different marketing platforms, you can easily segment customers based on the data THEY provide.

Full Control

Gather this data how YOU feel comforable. We provide templates and guidelines, but you are always in the drivers seat.

Up to date customer insights

Continually learn Continually improve

By implementing PostRev into your shopify store, you can learn something new about your customer with each purchase they make.

Custom Questions

Ask the questions that make the most sense to your target audience

Detailed Reporting

Analyze customers responses and purchases to make data driven decisions

Unique Incentives

Effortlessly incentivize and reward customers for completing your custom survey

Customer Insights

Let your customers speak for themselves

Integrations that scale

Connect PostRev with your marketing tools

We are continually building out integrations to communicate with the rest of your marketing suite of services.

  • Klavio

  • Google Ads

  • Meta Ads

Let the data tell the story

Numbers Never Tell A Lie

They may not impress today, but we are growing quick!

  • 5 +


  • 2 %

    Boost conversion rate

  • 1 ~


  • 5 +

    Surveys Enabled

  • 50 +

    Survey Responses

What people want to know

Frequently Asked Questions

You're not the only one who wants to know more.

Right now, PostRev is only compatible with sites built on Shopify. So, to download PostRev to your store, simply login to your Shopify store, search the Shopify app store for "PostRev", and you will be able to download it from there.

Currently, PostRev only supports running one survey at a time. We have it on our roadmap howerver to provide the ability for multiple surveys running at the same time based on conditional settings and/or survey placement.

We have the same question


How It Works

Getting your first PostRev survey setup and working on your shopify store is as simple as 1, 2, 3.... 4 😁


Either signup for our free trial or find the right plan for you and sign up from the shopify app store.

Build Your Survey

Follow the steps in the PostRev dashboard which will walk you through setting up your first survey.

Set Discount Amount

Determine how much of a discount you should provide survey respondents.

Analyze Responses

Analyze responses, then adjust your marketing efforts based on the data gathered.